hospitality & environment team
The Hospitality and Environment Team prepares the main space to be a place where we as a church family can gather together to worship God and be reminded of His grace. We also set up signs on site to direct people to the church's location and to help with parking. We also greet everyone as they walk in, and help usher people to open seats. After the gathering, we tear down and clean the space and collect our signs as part of making sure the site is ready for its normal use during the week.

family ministry team
On Sunday mornings here in Family Ministry, the focus is not on behavior, but rather the heart. Kids are not learning how to behave better, instead they are learning how to look towards Jesus' perfect life on their behalf and how to respond to this Good News despite failures, disobedience, and sin. Emphasis is placed in His perfect work and sacrifice on our behalf allowing us to trust God and live by faith. Teachers model by vulnerability, humility, and gentleness thus opening a door for students to feel safe and share their hearts. The Gospel is incorporated into every lesson; from play time and singing to curriculum and expected classroom routines. Family Ministry helps point kids to the one who is ultimately the only one able to transform hearts - Jesus!

Music & Tech team
The Music & Tech Team leads our church family musically to connect with and worship God in response to what He has already done for us through Jesus. Being saturated in the love and grace Jesus has freely given, frees us to create a space where people can genuinely worship, and respond to the gospel. Having a platform to share musical gifts, can easily be seen as a “performance,” to gain approval or response from the congregation, but on the Music & Tech Team we are constantly being reminded that Jesus already approves of us and loves us despite what we can do and that it is the Holy Spirit that does all the heart work. We hope, in obedience to Christ’s calling in our lives through the gifting God has given us, to lead our church family so that everyone has an opportunity to engage in worshiping God through music.
Music & Tech consists of vocalists, various instruments, and those who run sound and slides throughout Sunday gatherings to help people focus and engage with God on a personal and corporate level.
Music & Tech consists of vocalists, various instruments, and those who run sound and slides throughout Sunday gatherings to help people focus and engage with God on a personal and corporate level.